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Visual Thinking: how the brain understands and represents what we see

Visual ThinkingThe image has always had an extraordinary value on a par with the text. Printing methods, such as printing and photography, have mechanized the graphic representation of writing and drawing. However, technological development has not prevented the education of the human graphic gesture, from the first printed publications to the current digital media.

Today, we can ask ourselves if the graphic gesture has an educational interest in the construction of knowledge, beyond the achievement of learning to write.
(Read more in The Conversation…)

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Book: ‘Visual Thinking and Education’

Visual Thinking book couver

Visual Thinking book couverA book that integrates current research around the concepts of visuospatial reasoning. It assumes Visual Thinking as a modern theoretical construct for working in the educational field of both science and art, and highlights the training of teachers for their competence development. The study of visual reasoning is based on perception and the proportional and spatial relationships that are usually included as aspects of the study of intelligence.

This construct is closely related to the representation models (graphicacy) that are found on the basis of any educational modeling from the simplest drawing to the most complex technological design. This work gives with his study a contribution to clarify the study of the visuo-graphic competence, which seems confusing when we approach the difficulty of representing three-dimensional visual experience in bi-dimensional surfaces. The author considers that this difficulty should increase the attention to this competence in the current educational approaches.

Ediciones de la Universidad de Valladolid